Caroline Manring

is a writer based in Ithaca, New York, with fifteen years of writing instruction experience. Her first poetry collection, Manual for Extinction, won the 2012 National Poetry Review Book Prize, and her second, CERULEANA, is available now from Nine Mile Press. Her essays and poems have appeared in Colorado Review, Conduit, Denver Quarterly, Drunken Boat, jubilat, Juked, New Ohio Review, Seneca Review, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. She writes the weekly humor newsletter Notes from the Dishwasher Café, a series on the hard work of being human— especially in the roles of parent, writer, runner, crafter, convalescent, and compulsive meaning-maker. Her variety of interests, including endurance running, acting, musical performance, field ornithology, and visual art, help her come to the writing or editing table prepared for any topic, theme, or genre.